We aim to acquaint you better with the country’s small wineries, which constitute the backbone of Greek winemaking. The goal is to unite the strengths of artisanal winemakers, young and old, who share our vision of producing quality wines that reflect the unique terroirs, grape varieties and traditions of the Greek vineyard – to meet the challenges of the markets together, in order to bring our quality wines to winelovers around the world.
The goal is to unite the strengths of artisanal winemakers, young and old, who share our vision of producing quality wines that reflect the unique terroirs, grape varieties and traditions of the Greek vineyard
– Designs and implements actions to promote and highlight quality Greek wine.
– Contributes effectively to the development of the Greek wine sector by being a reliable interlocutor between the business world, policy-makers, scientific and research organizations as well as relevant institutions.
– Monitors, studies, analyzes and makes suggestions on issues related to the winemaking sector.
– Disseminates know-how to young wine growers and producers setting out to bottle the colors and aromas of the Greek vineyard.